Now it all adds up!....... Why Rihanna used a Chris Brown look alike in her "We found love" video. I think the duo have finally decided to put the past behind them. According to "MediaTakeOut", they got an insider at both ends who have given them hints on what's going on between the two. One insider, who happens to be close to Chris, said, Chris feels that Rihanna is the LOVE OF HIS LIFE and he wants nothing more than to get back with her. But since the "incident" Chris felt that he destroyed all chances of a relationship with his SOUL MATE. And he stayed away from her, at her request.
At Riri's end, the insider said the two have been communicating via Phone calls, I.m's and text messages.
Both of them are even to meet up next week when Rihanna gets back from Los Angeles to see how and whether they should get back together.
Just in case all I've written so far hasn't convinced you, get a load of these tweets.

Hahaa!! Totally! These two ehn